Equipment Check in/out Times have changed. . . Posted on February 20th, 2008 by

In the past, equipment check in and out occurred at the same  time which had some advantages, but as we have seen an increase in use of this service the inherent disadvantages became apparent.  The biggest issue was that individuals that had an item reserved were coming in wanting the item right at the beginning of the time, and the previous user had not yet returned that item, and was not required to do so until the end of the time (ever seen a dog chasing its own tail- that’s what it felt like on some days).  Starting Spring Semester 2008, all equipment is due back between 9AM and 11Am on the date it is due, and equipment is available for check out between 1PM and 4PM. When setting up reservations in Virtual Office, you will see two boxes per day in the kit calendar view, which correspond to the AM “check in” and PM  “check out” periods.  For an item to be available to check out on a given date, the second box needs to be white, indicating that the item is not reserved for that day’s check out period. Thank you for your cooperation, and careful planning when it comes to when you can and can not have equipment transactions occur. 


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